Meet our sponsors: SiteGround

SiteGround hosting is your ticket to a high-performance website that’s easy to manage. Their sophisticated hosting solutions are crafted for personal websites, online businesses, web development agencies, and enterprise projects. SiteGround’s hosting comes with WordPress-specific features customers love and smart development tools that help agencies scale their businesses. Getting started, migrating a site, optimizing web performance, and managing a WordPress development business has never been easier thanks to their in-house tools designed for busy WordPress webmasters.

Since 2004, SiteGround empowers people to build better, faster, and safer websites by managing the hosting for them. Their mission to power awesome websites is why SiteGround is actively involved in the WordPress community and WordCamps at a global scale.

Sponsor SiteGround

Do you want to know more about our Bronze sponsor SiteGround? We asked the people of SiteGround a few questions!

How did the company get started?

Answered by Dima Peteva, Brand Manager at SiteGround

SiteGround was born in 2004 out of the dream of a couple of university friends to build a company where people feel like they belong and always give their best. Since then, the team has grown to over 500 people in different countries and 2+ million domain names in four data centers. Our values, however, have always been the same: have fun, do exceptional work, build the best product and services in the business, innovate, pay attention to detail, treat people right, have a positive impact on the world, give back, and keep learning.

What’s your favorite thing you are working on right now inside your company?

Answered by Hristo Pandjarov, Manager of WordPress Initiatives at SiteGround

Since the beginning, our focus has been to create exceptional hosting for everyone. Now, we’re building on that to offer smart tools to help WordPress freelancers and agencies manage their client work more quickly and easily, while creating a better experience for their customers. We recently revamped our Client Area interfaces and launched Site Tools, a REACT-based set of site management tools that is not only more intuitive, but has a ton of features that help our customers make the most of their SiteGround hosting.

Who (or which company) inspires you in the WordPress community?

Answered by Francesca Marano, WordPress Community Manager at SiteGround

The folks who volunteer their time to the WordPress project inspire me above all else. As a Community Team representative for the project, I have the privilege of coaching people who are starting local WordPress meetups and WordCamps in their communities and have a desire to see members help each other succeed. Freelancers, solopreneurs, creators, students — all these individuals who volunteer hours to make the web better for everyone and help others grow inspire me to do the same.